Thursday, October 4, 2012

Project Preparation

"What are you looking forward to these days?" asks a favorite client yesterday. I answer with a list of upcoming house projects and then change the subject to what he is looking forward to. My coworkers are all aware of the "thing" that is actually being discussed and planned more than any kitchen or house project. Even though this client is someone that I would never hesitate to share our newest endeavor with I suppose there is a part of me that is trying to preserve some sense of it not becoming the all consuming proverbial baby that things like making a baby just naturally become. So. There. We are planning for baby. We are at the point in our progression toward a family where it is actually kind of fun. There have been moments that have made our quest seem almost too daunting to attempt. There is the decision to become pregnant or adopt. There is the donor question. This can take a while, for us almost two years, to decide on a known or unknown donor, and with that decision comes all of the legal and situational considerations of that decision. Once that decision is made, there are cost considerations and the process just avalanches itself into a myriad of  hypothetical guessing games. Oh, how riveting. But I digress. Now it is kind of fun. We love a project, and the one at hand is Project Preparation: The Body Episode. Doc gave me suggestions on how to tinker with my diet to make things more conception friendly, things like reducing caffeine intake and exercising regularly. We have taken things to the next level and are following a somewhat more stringent regimen. I have almost given up coffee and chocolate and cheese(whhaaa?) all together. This is no small feat for me.  I have reduced my alcohol intake dramatically. Before, we could kill a bottle of red several nights out of the week. Now, just a little red wine with dinner feels luxurious. I smell it more than I drink it, and that not only pacifies, but leaves more (sober) energy for fun projects around the house. Knock down a wall anyone? Tear up some floors? I'm down! I am taking the fancy expensive whole foods prenatals along with some Chinese herbs, and eating and preparing foods that are better for my digestion, and paying close attention to the quality of food that I eat. Another fun thing is the new language we are learning. Our morning conversations now include statements like "What is your basal body this morning, honey?" "No LH surge today! I am guessing I will ovulate on Saturday." And then there is the adorable question that Kayla has been asking me for at least a year, "When does our baby get here?" Hopefully not much longer.

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