Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Predisposed to Pin

Do you "pin"? I have a "Style" board, a "Hair" board, a "Decoration Inspiration" board and even a "Honey Do" board. Heck, I even found my wedding dress on Pinterest, followed it all the way to Nastygal.com, one click and it was mine for the weddin! Pinning is like circling the toys you wanted from the Sears catalogue as a kid. It is decidedly a more productive time suck than facebook (in my humble opinion) if even after a while it begins to feel a bit like collective consciousness on crack. I am not a pessimist by nature, but the fear sometimes seeps in that in that in every turn, each new internet forum for expression is just aiding in destroying all unique and individual tastes. Or maybe not every young hip home maker digs pallet furniture and wine bottle lanterns...Maybe I just follow the ones that do (baaa[sheep]). Then again I do believe that we create our own destinies, we are inspired by what we see and create, and we are what we surround ourselves with, Pinterest just being one big cyberboard of attraction. If public inspiration boards bring to life a creative spark to those who would otherwise be uninspired to create, even if we are all creating the same things, well... so be it. I mean, couldn't the world possibly suffer less with an abundance of upright herb gardens and repurposed Tee shirt jewelry? Love it or fear it, I do it, and damn it if it doesn't feel good. For now and as far as I can see, I can not imagine putting down the pin. I believe in the law of attraction, as in "If you pin it, it will come." For example, this week I took this recipe that I pinned from aaplemint.com for a Moroccan Chicken Burger, tweaked it with the ingredients that I could muster,and served it to my honey with a side of hummus and raw veggies and a glass of red. Yum.

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