Sunday, December 30, 2012

"How is it Going?", you ask.

3 weeks and 2 days post op. My tissue expanders (hard plastic balloon boobs) were expanded 4 days ago. I will have another expansion in 3 days. My chemo port was installed 3 days ago. I am going to try and go back to work in 4 days. I have my first round of chemo in 10 days.

How do I feel?

Physically: Sore, slightly winded, fatigued, generally uncomfortable 100% of the time. My armpits feel sunburned. The tissue expanders are placed below my muscles so I occasionally have spasms. All of the time it feels like I have done an extreme chest work out. The sternum is tender to the touch, but getting less so as time goes on. The inside of my chest wall feels almost exactly like your skin feels a few days after sitting for a very large tattoo. For those of you reading that have never healed from a large tat, I always compare the feeling to the tattooed body part being dragged along pavement or gravel, full of open wounds and raw, tender skin. I have phantom nipple pain. I guess. When I am cold, it feels like my nipples are rock hard and tender. But i don't have nipples. Maybe its the plastic not warming to my body temperature. The port is still sore and I hope swollen, otherwise this sucker sticks out so far from my body that it appears I have a raging boil about 2 or 3 inches just below my left clavicle. When I stretch my arm a certain way, or roll my neck as I usually do to loosen up, it pulls the port, which is connected very deeply to one of my main arteries. The port gives me the heeby jeebies. Just as I was in the brink of weaning off the narcotics, I have to have one in the morning just to get moving. I am a side or stomach sleeper, but stomach sleeping is not an option, and to lie comfortably on my side I have to wear a tight sports bra or place a small pillow or my hand in between my "breasts" as the hard expanders seem to knock together. No thanks. It is almost impossible to snuggle with my partner. Intimacy demands creativity at this point and the physical discomfort as well as the mental discomfort doesn't so much lend itself to the creative.

Mentally: Frustrated. It frightens me that I get winded after a brisk walk, and when I have trouble catching my breath as I first get out of bed. I can't do the same activities I could do a month ago. Guilty. I feel guilty that my partner is carrying so much of the weight. I don't feel sexy or interested in sex. Sadness.That my gorgeous honey will get bored of what I have become and will be left unsatisfied for too long. Resolved. I feel prepared for Chemotherapy. I am getting better at the waiting game. I am slightly sedated to the fact that I will be chock full of medicine that will kill healthy cells in my body, and that I will remain unaware of what side effects will happen to me until they actually do...or not. Gratitude. Grateful that I am not in this alone. That my friends have become my family and they have proven to stand by me no matter what. That the tribe I have always longed for exists. I feel loved unconditionally and supported beyond measure. The peace that that feeling brings keeps me afloat. Always.

And I miss...oh my God do I miss.. Moving with abandon, that only those without foreign objects surgically inserted into ones body can. Wine. Sex. Feeling sexy, attractive. Running, jogging, hard core work outs. Caring what I see when I look in the mirror. My long red hair, my breasts...

And still, I would not trade any of the things that I whine about for the naïveté of my mind set pre cancer. I would not trade it because I know that with the weight of this burden comes the fruit of a new life. I am not afraid anymore and that alone is the most miraculous innovation of my life. I know that the lack of fear is worth all of the above, because all of the above is temporary. Or so they say.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a amazing person. I will be so glad when this is all behind you. I feel for you everyday and wish it didn't have to happen to you but, you will come out even a stronger person I am sure. I seen a lady at church today that had the same thing and is having her chemo and has lost her hair but, she was so happy and feeling good and looked so pretty in her new wig. I love you Honey and am keeping you in my prayers that the chemo will go easy for you and this will all pass soon.
