Saturday, April 28, 2012

Alterntative Lifestyle Girls

Kayla and I installed two new light fixtures in our house today. Kayla learned a new skill and I learned that I can hold my arms above my head for a really long time. Our wedding band, The Carper Family played at our Central Market this evening so we went over there for dinner. We drank a bottle of wine and met an older gentleman named George that apparently sees The Carper Family every time they play at CM, and frequents the country dance scene in Austin. He told us two jokes, one about an ostrich and one about a lady that buried her husband upside down. He said he would like to dance with one of us and when Jenn told him we were married and that they had just played at our wedding last weekend, he told us that his wife had died 6 years ago, and since then she had sent him lots of pretty girls to dance with, and that all of his girlfriends were "alternative lifestyle girls". He said "I know all about the lifestyle because I have a gay son." He was adorable, and wore a bolo tie. I wish I had gotten a photo of George.
Here is The Carper Family playing at Central Market. I was playing around with the options on my camera phone. Black and white? eh.

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