Monday, May 21, 2012

The Importance of Being Ernesto

I am surprised that I am almost a month into this blog and have yet to introduce someone so very important to me. Ernest is our cat. He is special for many reasons, but the two most important to me are 1. He filled a hole in my soul that came to be when I lost "Flo Kitty", my constant companion, my other, my soul mate of 9 years. 2. He pounced on Kayla's heartstrings, bequeathing her if not a "cat person", certainly a lover of the obligatory cat presence that will forever reside in any den of mine. He is orange. He is fluffy. He has thumbs. He frowns and furrows. He pounces and stalks, but not with so much grace as determination and complete lack of regard and self consciousness. He is the most co dependent cat I have ever met. Ernest loves cardboard and paper bags. Put a cardboard box in front of him and he will bite of a piece and play with it, one at a time, until the bitten of piece becomes a mushy, papery, tattered excuse for cardboard, and then go back for another. He will jump in your grocery bag and let you carry him around. He will raid your purse, chew on its straps, and confiscate your snacks. If you are a visitor in our home, Ernest will demand your attention, just like any floopy loppy dog that you have ever met, and jump right up on your knee to be petted and recognized. He comes when you call his name, entering the room with a "Kramer" a la Seinfeld like quality, compared to his every day shuffle. Ernest gets away with a lot, due to his good looks and dopey charm. He is lazy by day, fiercely affectionate and cuddly by night. As soon as the dogs are crated and Stella has slunk away for some alone time, we open our books and Ernest is right on our chests, demanding nightly pets. He sleeps beside me, under the covers, head on my pillow, paw in my hand (just like Flo Kitty used to do), until Kayla's morning alarm goes off, when he trades my arms for hers and tempts her with his cuddly purring charm to stay, stay, stay in bed all day. Once she is up and breakfasting, coffee"ing", getting ready for work"ing"... Ernest stays snuggled by my side until I decide it is time for us both to get up. My Big Foot, My Pumpkin Head, My Prized Pig, My little Man, My Green Eyed Ginger Dream, how do I love thee? There are too many ways to count.

1 comment:

  1. What a darling, charming cat Ernesto is. No wonder he has stolen your hearts.
