Friday, April 27, 2012


We spent the entire afternoon thrifting. I mapped out an itinerary of all of the thrift stores we wanted to hit in Austin and we made it to every one but one. We are masters in the art of finding treasures for our home on the cheap. I like to think I have a flair for decorating and my spouse is extremely handy with power tools and anything that requires a sewing machine. As I sit in my living room and look around me, I realize that almost everything here has been refurbished, repurposed, or made by hand by either or both of us. This is just another reason why we make such a great team. We got so hungry while thrifting that we had to stop for sandwiches midway through. I wanted to take Kayla to Cenote on Cesar Chavez because they have a gluten free menu, rare for a coffee shop, and it is uber adorable. We refueled with our Topo Chicos and sammies and then found most of our treasures of the afternoon at the Habitat for Humanity Restore, a few blocks away.

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